Which are the leading countries in manufacturing components for giant screens?
Not only in Mexico but globally, the market for giant advertising screens has experienced significant growth in recent years, and one One of the key factors in the production of these devices are the components used.Next, we will explain which are the main countries in the world where the largest number of components for giant advertising screens are manufactured and the leaders in LED technology.
First of all, China stands out as one of the leading producers of display components advertising giants. The Asian country has a vast electronics and technology industry, which has allowed it to position itself as a leader in the manufacture of LED components. Chinese companies have invested in research and development, resulting in high-quality products and competitive prices.

Another country that has emerged as a leader in the manufacturing of big screen advertising components is Korea from the south. Companies like Samsung and LG have invested heavily in LED technology and have developed high-quality, high-resolution displays. South Korea has stood out for its focus on innovation and design, which has led to the creation of next-generation giant screens.
Regarding the differences between displays manufactured in different countries, it is important to note that each country has its own strengths and technological approaches. For example, some countries may specialize in the production of specific components such as LED panels, while others may have experience manufacturing controllers or content management systems. This can influence the quality and performance of the screens.
How could you have imagined before reading this article China and South Korea are two of the leading countries in the manufacture of components for giant advertising screens, especially in LED technology. Each country has its own technological strengths and approaches, which can influence the quality and performance of displays. When purchasing giant advertising screens, it's important to consider provenance and quality regulations to ensure a high-performance product.
It doesn't matter where the components come from, who assembles the giant screens in their place of origin, is ultimately responsible for quality and must be an expert with proven experience
In addition, it is important to note that although the components of the screens come from abroad, such as China and South Korea, practically all these screens are assembled in their countries of origin, for example here Mexico, at iLED we have been manufacturing these screens for more than +30 years, with high-quality components. It is crucial to have experts and trained professionals in the installation, management, administration and maintenance of these giant LED screens. In addition, these experts must know how to select the specific components suitable for each solution and customer need, thus guaranteeing optimal and long-lasting performance. Many displays don't last, break down, or don't work as they should because they're marketed by people who don't know all the specifics about these products in depth. Like everything in life, it is better to advise you with experts, at iLED we have sold thousands of screens over the years. If you need one for any place in the Mexican territory, come with us and we will gladly advise you.